Hydro-technical stone

“Gębczyce” granite mine produces various fractions of stone for hydraulic engineering.

Among others, we offer.:

  • Hydrotechnical stone 63-125
  • Hydrotechnical stone 80-150
  • Hydrotechnical stone 100-250
  • Hydrotechnical stone 150-300
  • KHydrotechnical stone 200-500
  • Hydrotechnical stone 300-500
  • Hydrotechnical stone 500-800

We have the ability to produce other fractions of hydro-technical stone tailored to the specific needs of our customers. In such a case, please contact our Customer Service Office.

Our hydro-technical stone complies with the PN-EN 13383-1 standard. This stone is characterized by low water absorption and high frost resistance. It can be successfully used for waterfront reinforcements, watercourses regulation, dry tanks, retaining walls, and gabions.

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other products

  • Granite grits

    Grits obtained from the Chwałków deposit are characterized by perfect technical and endurance parameters confirmed by systematic examination.

  • Hydro-technical stone

    We produce stone for hydraulic engineering in accordance with the PN-EN 13383-1.

  • Aggregates for construction and road engineering

    Our products are suitable for use in construction and road engineering.

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