The entry of the company „EGM Sp. z o.o. ” based in Kraków to the National Court Register with the commencement date in 2000.
Completion of the geological documentation in category C1 of the „Wierzbica” Jurassic limestone deposit (eastern part of the „Sobków 84” limestone deposit) confirming the very high quality and high homogeneity of the resources.
Issuing by the Voivode of Świętokrzyskie Province, by decision no. ŚR.V-7412-7 / 05 of March 31, 2005, of the concession for the extraction of Jurassic limestone from the „Wierzbica” deposit within the „Wierzbica” mining area.
The commencement of operations of Zakład Górniczy Kopalnia Wapieni „Wierzbica” in the converted building on the Wierzbica 37 property.
Commencement of opencast mining of the Wierzbica deposit with the use of shooting techniques (first rock shooting on May 9, 2006) and production with the use of modern mobile devices.
Device and commencement of operation of the factory aggregate quality control laboratory in the converted building on the Wierzbica 38 property.
Semi-technical tests of grinding the raw rock from Wierzbica in terms of the selection of the technology of its grinding into higher processed, fine-grained limestone products.
A positive certification audit of the quality management system according to ISO 9001 and the Factory Production Control (FPC) system, which has been successively implemented since 2008, authorizing the marking of construction products with the CE mark in the 2+ conformity assessment system.
Completion of the first stage of construction (infrastructure, mill, 4 silos) and technological start-up of the grinding plant in Wierzbica. Retrofitting the laboratory with apparatus for controlling the quality of fine-grained materials with the transfer of laboratory activities to new rooms in the administrative and social building at the grinding plant.
Implementation of the HACCP system (hazard analysis and critical control points) for the production of fodder chalk.