
Andrzej Jeziorny

Connecting the natural gas network to the grinding plant with a connection replacing the temporary LPG installation.


Andrzej Jeziorny

Completion of the second stage of the grinding plant construction (packing building, second battery of 4 silos) and commissioning of the installation for bagging fine-grained products.


Andrzej Jeziorny

Implementation of the NAVISION management system to improve the company’s operations in the period of intense changes.


Andrzej Jeziorny

Awarding by the Polish Chamber of Ecology in the 14th edition of the „Ekolaury PIE” competition, EKOLAUR for mechanically activated sorbents for desulphurization of flue gas from conventional commercial power plants.


Andrzej Jeziorny

Change of the company’s status from „Limited Liability Company” to „S.A.”.


Andrzej Jeziorny

Membership in EcoVadis – an international platform for enterprises involved in the Areas of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).


Andrzej Jeziorny

Obtaining a safety certificate of the produced feed materials confirming that their production is carried out in accordance with the requirements and conditions specified in the GMP + B2 standard.


Andrzej Jeziorny

Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Company’s presence on the lime products market (co-organization of the industry-specific technical seminar, premiere of the documentary, the ceremonial Barbórka).


Andrzej Jeziorny

Obtaining the Industry Quality Mark SOLID AGGREGATES in the 1st edition of the „Solid Aggregates – BZJ” competition of the Polish Association of Aggregates Producers.



Uzyskanie Branżowego Znaku Jakości SOLIDNE KRUSZYWA w I Edycji Konkursu „Solidne Kruszywa – BZJ” Polskiego Związku Producentów Kruszyw.