The mill that produces fine-grained limestone products is based on modern and pro-ecological technology designed for sustainable development. No hazardous substances are used, and there is no risk of explosion, so there is no risk of a serious industrial accident. The plant does not produce mineral waste or industrial wastewater. The installation includes pulsed filters (with an efficiency of over 99.8%) and a special charging sleeve (with air discharge to the filter) – this reduces dusting to the atmosphere in the range below 1% of the permissible value. The transport of raw materials and products is also a source of pollution with a limited range, many times lower than the permissible level. Working devices and vehicles do not emit excessive noise beyond the area of the grinding plant.
The existing row of pine trees along the border of the area will be supplemented with new plantings, which will additionally reduce the spread of air pollution and noise, and over time will also cover the building, integrating it into the surrounding landscape. There is an automatic wheel and chassis washing station with a sedimentation tank on the premises of the plant.